A Q&A with the curators of INUA
Qaumajuq’s inaugural exhibition is historic in itself—for the first time ever, a curatorial team represents all four regions of Inuit…
Souveraineté autochtone
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The Department of Language, Culture and Tourism worked together to create some online programming that aimed to alleviate the void—but the struggle for various forms of support in the arts was really felt by the communities. Not only was art and craft used as a means of financial support but it was also used as a tool for a person’s mental health. The lockdowns of March 2020 meant that the local craft supply stores were closed to the public, the cost of shipping increased because of supply and demand. Now in 2022, the struggle continues as sealskin continues to be increasing in price and decreasing in quantity.
Through a brainstorming session within the Department on how we could celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day during a lockdown and also try to continue to support artists, an idea of a virtual sale was born.
Through various community engagements, it was brought to our attention that the price of art and craft sales throughout Nunatsiavut is very underpriced. Instead of a virtual craft sale we opted to try for an art and craft auction, so that artists could follow along and see what their art and crafts can sell for when exposed to an engaging outside market.
Needless to say the online auction was a success. Not only did it surpass the amount of sales we expected, but it raised awareness for the artists regarding the value of their product and the price they should be charging. It also allowed us to engage many artists that have not been able to participate in any of our other events.
We took the opportunity to try for a second auction in November—a Christmas auction—as items in June would be different than items crafted in the fall months, and again it was another huge success.
The reach of the auctions continues to grow, with the number of artists and sales doubling in the second auction. With all monies going directly to the artists and shipping paid by the winning bidders, the online auction creates a platform where geographical location isn’t a barrier to creating and selling work. A major part of the auction’s success is building confidence in the artists—showing them what their art and craft is actually worth, allowing them to see the validity and demand for their work and to price it accordingly.
This story is part of the Nunatsiavut Spotlight. View more content from the Spotlight here.
En tant qu’hôtes et organisateurs du Arctic Arts Summit 2022, nous reconnaissons et respectons les nombreuses langues parlées dans la région circumpolaire.
L’essentiel des informations présentées sur ce site est en anglais et en français (les deux langues officielles du Canada), en inuktut (la principale langue autochtone parlée dans le Nord du Canada) et en tutchone du Sud, l’une des nombreuses langues des Premières Nations parlées au Yukon, notamment par les nations du territoire où les activités du Sommet auront lieu en personne.
L’essentiel du contenu présenté ici sera disponible dans la langue dans laquelle il aura été fourni ou créé.
Nous reconnaissons la prédominance de l’anglais sur le présent site. Cette situation s’explique notamment par la vaste compréhension de cette langue dans la région circumpolaire de nos jours. Nous appuierons cependant activement la publication de contenu représentant la diversité linguistique du Nord.
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Les hôtes et organisateurs du Arctic Arts Summit 2022 apprécient et appuient les articles de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones (DNUDPA) et reconnaissent les droits inhérents et les territoires historiques des peuples autochtones du Nord et de partout dans le monde. Nous reconnaissons et respectons les premiers peuples des nombreux territoires de la région circumpolaire.
Le lien à la terre, aux territoires, à l’histoire et à la culture est essentiel pour définir qui nous sommes en tant que peuples et sociétés. Nous honorons ce lien et nous nous engageons à poursuivre un cheminement de conciliation mutuelle alors que nous travaillons à bâtir un avenir équitable, juste et collaboratif pour toutes et pour tous.
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