Intergenerational Perspectives on Languages, Land, and Art: Honouring the UN Decade of Indigenous Languages

Panel: Celebrating the Enduring Strength of Indigenous Languages

Indigenous Sovereignty

Panel Description:

The United Nations has declared 2022-2032 as the Decade of Indigenous Languages. How can artistic practice support language revitalization efforts? How can this celebration support community well-being? Join panelists from across the circumpolar North as they reflect on opportunities to strengthen Indigenous languages through the arts and beyond.

Organizer: CCUNESCO

Time: Tuesday, Jun 28, 2022 – 10:00 AM MST


Barbara Filion

Barbara Filion.


Harald Gaski

Tina Jules
Indigenous Education, Culture & Language Consultant (Whitehorse, Yukon) 

Skaydu.û, Haa Yoo X’atángi Deiyí
Language Pathways Scholar’s at the University of Alaska Southeast

Hans Henrik Suersaq Poulsen

Harald Gaski.



Harald Gaski

Harald Gaski is a Professor in Sámi Culture and Literature at Sámi allaskuvla / Sámi University of Applied Sciences in Guovdageaidnu and at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. Gaski was born and lives in Deatnu (Tana) in Sápmi. He is the author and editor of several books on Sámi literature and culture. He has also translated Sámi prose and poetry into Norwegian and English. Gaski has been a visiting scholar at several universities internationally. He served on the International Research Advisory Panel of New Zealand’s Māori Centre of Research Excellence for 10 years (2006-2015). Gaski’s research specializes in Indigenous methodologies and Sámi aesthetics, traditions, culture and literature. He has been instrumental in establishing Sámi literature as an academic field. Gaski’s research has been recognized, among others with the Nordic Sámi Language Prize Gollegiella in 2006, and the Vaartoe /Cesam’s research award at the University of Umeå in Sweden in 2015. Gaski’s most recent book is an anthology of Sámi literature, published in 2020, titled Myths, Tales and Poetry from Four Centuries of Sámi Literature.


is currently one of the Haa Yoo X’atángi Deiyí: Our Language Pathways Scholar’s at the University of Alaska Southeast; majoring in Alaska native languages, with a minor in outdoor leadership and adventure studies, and a certificate in Indigenous Language Teaching. She also attends Simon Fraser University, working towards a language proficiency program certificate. Outside of school, she works with the Genuine Progress Index Atlantic(GPI) and VIDEA in gender equality and intersectionality work. She also is a fellow of the Yukon First Nation Climate Action fellowship (The Children of Tomorrow) and currently sits on the STFX International Coady Institute, Circle of Abundance advisory committee.