Résidences des artistes et échanges : possibilités de coopération et de collaboration dans le Nord circumpolaire

Collaboration circumpolaire

N. B. : Cette table ronde sera animée en anglais seulement. Pour demander une mesure d’adaptation linguistique, veuillez communiquer avec nous.

Organisé par : le Nordic Culture Point

Le mercredi 29 juin 2022, de 11 h 30 à 12 h 30 HNR

Modérateur :

Petra Laiti

Panélistes :

Susanne Næss Nielsen
Cynthia Lickers-Sage (CAN)
Eline Sigfusson (IS)
Kai Latvalehto

Ragnar Siil (Estonian)

Cynthia Lickers-Sage.


Cynthia Lickers-Sage

Cynthia Lickers-Sage is a Mohawk Nation, Turtle Clan visual artist from Six Nations of the Grand River. Following her graduation at the Ontario College of Art and Design she Co-Founded The Centre for Aboriginal Media, imagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival, 50/50 Performing Arts Collective, Tkaronto Music Festival and is the sole proprietor of Clickers Productions. She has spent the last 30 years working in the not-for-profit arts sector as the former General Manager of Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, Executive Director at the Association for Native Development in the Performing and Visual Arts, Executive Director of imagineNATIVE and currently as the Executive Director of the Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance. Cynthia is the proud recipient of the Governor General’s Meritorious Service Cross.

Kai Latvalehto.


Kai Latvalehto

Kai Latvalehto, (born 1967) PhD in cultural identity (2018). Currently working as a project manager for the the EU-funded Northern AiR residency network initiative (2021-2023), which comprises the residencies of Northern Ostrobothnia in Finland.

Kai Latvalehto has worked extensively within culture and education. The initiator and main character in the internationally renowned documentary film Finnish Blood, Swedish Heart (2013). The Sweden-Finn of the year 2013. Musician with the Finnish band Aknestik (1987-2003). Founder of the Sweden-Finnish Cultural Embassy residence in Oulu, Finland. Initiated the future residency activities of 2nd Generation Cultural Embassy, which aims to collect artists with a second-generation immigration background under the same roof. The initiative is a part of the program for Oulu2026 as Oulu becomes the cultural capital of Europe in 2026.

Ragnar Siil.

Ragnar Siil

Ragnar Siil is a Founder and Director of Creativity Lab (www.creativitylab.eu), a leading cultural policy and creative industries think-tank and consultancy in the Baltic Sea region. Ragnar is also a Director of the Board of the Cultural Policy Designers Network (www.culturaldesigners.eu), a European network of independent cultural policy experts. He is a strategy adviser for governments, cultural organisations and creative enterprises, having advised drafting of cultural policies and creative industries strategies in more than 25 countries. Ragnar is also a member of the expert panel for the Baltic Culture Fund and a researcher at Estonian Business School on creative cities agenda. Previously, Ragnar has held positions of Estonian Undersecretary of Arts and Chairman of the European Union Expert Group on Cultural and Creative Sectors.