A Q&A with the curators of INUA
Qaumajuq’s inaugural exhibition is historic in itself—for the first time ever, a curatorial team represents all four regions of Inuit…
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In 2021, the GNWT Seal Certification Program was developed to identify seal products that were harvested and crafted by Inuit or Indigenous peoples of the Northwest Territories (NWT). The GNWT Seal Certification Program ensures that designated seal products meet certification standards of quality, sustainability and traceability, from harvest to market, and are exempt from the European Union (EU) seal products ban.
A seal product carrying a GNWT Seal Certification tag and accompanied by a Certificate of Authentication, shall be deemed to comply with Regulation (EC) No 1007/2009, which allows for the export/import of seal products that result from hunts conducted by Inuit and other Indigenous communities in the NWT. It also allows for the import of goods for the personal use of travellers and their families.
This tag of certification is attached to seal products that meet the guidelines set out by the EU seal regime Regulation (EU) 2015/1775. The GNWT is a Recognized Body that can issue this certification and representatives of the Seal Certification Program can label seal products that meet the exception detailed in these regulations.
This story is part of the Northwest Territories Spotlight. View more content from the Spotlight here.