In the panel I presented in, Extending our Practices: Leveraging Technologies to Share our Stories, I felt empowered as an artist—and as someone who believes that technology is the key to sharing education, and who argues for the importance of having access to high speed internet. The fact that Jesse Wente acknowledged that I did a great job on the panel with him, made it all the more real.
As I make new connections and friends, I am reminded that these are the things that help me grow as a person, personally and professionally. There is also the history I have with some people I’ve known most of my life, and that is what makes this Summit so wonderful. Not only am I learning amazing things in each panel, I am doing it with new and old friends, as well as family I didn’t know I had. I have also made a new family tie with the Knowledge Creators Next program.
The Arctic Arts Summit’s Knowledge Creators Next program brings together northern Indigenous post-secondary students, young activists and emerging professionals to attend the Summit. Participants in the Knowledge Creators Next (KCN) program will be sharing their daily reflections—in the form of tweets, photographs, poems, sketches, videos or other short responses—on the Arctic Arts Summit’s digital platform and across social media.