Arctic Indigenous Design Archives (AIDA)

Project Spotlight: A cross-border collaboration preserves the Sámi living culture through craft.

Création Souveraineté autochtone Technologie
A close-up view of several objects laid on a fur on the ground: a white knitted mitten, a wooden cup known as a Guksi, some blue fabric and a leather object with red and blue piping.

The Arctic Indigenous Design Archives (AIDA) is a cross-border collaboration in Sápmi between the Sámi Archives of the National Archives of Finland, the Ájtte Swedish Mountain and Sami Museum in Sweden, and Sámi allaskuvla in Norway. The project aims to establish archives for Sámi duojár and artists and to ensure the preservation and continuity of Sámi design-thinking for future generations.

A close-up view of several objects laid on a fur on the ground: a white knitted mitten, a wooden cup known as a Guksi, some blue fabric and a leather object with red and blue piping.
Video still from Arctic Indigenous Design Archives (2020).

In this filmed conversation Gunvor Guttorm (professor in duodji at Sámi allaskuvla), Inker-Anni Linkola-Aikio (senior research officer at the Sámi Archives) and Anna Westman Kuhmunen (curator at Ájtte museum) discuss the multifaceted role of duodji archives: How new archive practices can be developed when working from a duodji perspective; How archives as learning environments, as well as for preservation of materials, are connected with the creative processes of duojárat. This talk takes place in the outdoors in Guhttaš and in the homes of Perisak Juuso, Ida Maria Marakatt and Sami Laiti.

Lule Sámi

Arctic Indigenous Design Archives (AIDA) la aktisasjbarggo Sámen rijkkarájáj gaskan Suoma Sáme arkijva, Ájtte – Svieriga duottar- ja sámedávvervuorká ja Sáme allaskåvllå Vuonan.

Prosjevta ulmme l ásadit arkijvajt Sáme duodjárijda ja dájddárijda váj sáme design-ájádallam joarkká boahtte buolvajda.

Dán ságastallamin ságastallaba Gunvor Guttorm, Sáme allaskåvlå duoje Professor, Senior Dutkam rádevadde Sáme arkijvajn Inker-Anni Linkola-Aikio ja Ájtte dávvervuorká kuráhtur Anna Westman Kuhmunen duoje arkijvaj moattelágásj rållav. Gåktu ådå arkijvvavuoge máhtti hábbmiduvvat gå duodje-tjalmij gehtjat. Gåktu arkijva li saje gånnå oahppá, ja gåsi materiálajt vuorkki, li tjanádum duodjárij kreatijva prosessajda. Dát ságastallam la ålggon Guhttašin ja dáj ulmutjij guossen: Perisak Juuso, Ida Maria Marakatt ja Sami Laiti.

Credit: This video was originally published by the Arctic Indigenous Design Archives (AIDA) in November 2020. Directed by John E Utsi. Produced by Norwegian Crafts and Objectspace in collaboration with AIDA. COURTESY NORWEGIAN CRAFTS.

This story is part of the Norway Partner Spotlight. View more content from the Spotlight here.