A Digital Platform for the 2022 Arctic Arts Summit

The Arctic Arts Summit’s new digital platform extends conversations beyond the 2022 event by inviting the world to engage with artists and organizations across the circumpolar north—and the emerging and enduring themes of their work.

The digital program boasts a rich variety of artist features, online events, conversations, critical texts, artistic projects and more. Curated and commissioned by the Inuit Art Foundation (IAF), the program features interviews, essays, conversations and a special series of guest-curated Spotlights that showcase arts and culture from a diverse northern perspectives. Each Spotlight provides a unique and self-determined snapshot of opportunities, challenges, histories and possible futures from across the Arctic region. Taken together, the digital program illustrates the diversity of arts and culture in the North, as well as the shared experiences of artists and artistic organizations across the circumpolar world.

“The Arctic Arts Summit platform is a valuable space to foster global conversations that highlight both the unique realities and interesting commonalities of artists working across the North.”
Alysa Procida, Executive Director, Inuit Art Foundation
A digitally modified image of a pair of hands at a typewriter. The hands and typewriter are dark, while the surrounding area is a light, brilliant pink.

Procida explains that “commissioning and curating content on the digital platform has been an exciting opportunity for the IAF to work with artistic communities across the circumpolar north, and to support artistic collaboration and self-determination for northern communities.” This aligns well with the IAF’s mandate: to empower and support Inuit artists’ self-expression and self-determination, while increasing the public’s access to and awareness of their work. The digital program has benefited from the IAF’s expertise as publishers of Inuit Art Quarterly, the world’s only magazine dedicated to circumpolar Indigenous art.

The new website broadens engagement around the Arctic Arts Summit. The Canada Council for the Arts worked with Canadian Geographic to create a platform that could extend conversations and exchanges well beyond the three-day in-person gathering. As an online hub for digital content that is accessible anytime, from anywhere in the world— in Southern Tutchone, Inuktitut, English and French— the platform nurtures conversations, facilitates connections and deepens understanding of arts and culture across the North. The digital platform will serve as an ongoing space to support conversations during and after the Summit.

“While the current website is powered by Canadian company Strut Creative and beautifully integrates Blake Lepine’s 2022 Summit brand, the platform was developed as a legacy tool to support future Arctic Arts Summits. It is a fully customizable site that will be passed on to future Summit organizers, supporting ongoing international engagement around Arctic arts and culture for years to come.”
Nathalie Cuerrier Vice-President of Operations and Associate Publisher, Canadian Geographic